The “Grand Imperial Conclave for Greece and its Conclaves Abroad” is an Independent Masonic Body responsible for various levels of Masonic Degrees.
The first level is the so-called “Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine”, an Order founded – according to a legend – by Constantine the Great in 312 A.D.
It seems that this Order was initially organized in England by Charles Shirreff around 1780.
The Order was reorganized in 1804 by Waller Rodwell Wright, who was Consul General based in Corfu, and was installed as Provisional Grand Commander of the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine for England. There, he first inspired and printed the ritual which is used till today.
During the next 50 years, the Order was rather inactive, but the Grand Imperial Conclave was re-established in 1865, when William Henry White was elected as Grand Sovereign, under the initial title “Imperial, Ecclesiastic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine”.
The principles of the Order were preserved by the Grand Imperial Conclaves of England, Scotland, the United States of America, Mexico, the Philippines and Canada.
The ancient Order was revived in Greece, by Most Ill. Kt Goulielmos – Evmenis Kaloudis, on the 21st of May 1982, in the city of Athens, after a period of 529 years since it was suspended, at the fall of the City of Constantine (Constantinople) on the 29th of May, 1453.